Our comprehensive dental care keeps your teeth healthy and strong. While we try to preserve your natural teeth, and promote their longevity, there are cases when removing a tooth is the best solution for your oral health.
Teeth may need to be removed for a variety of reasons. These include:
- Advanced periodontal disease
- Extensive decay
- Severe damage or trauma
- A weakened tooth that cannot support root canal therapy
- Baby teeth that have shifted out of position
If we determine extraction is the best option for you, don’t worry. Dr. Fortner uses advanced dental techniques and the latest technology to make the entire procedure move smoothly. Minor extractions are one of the most commonly performed oral surgeries, but that doesn’t mean we’ll rush the procedure. We’ll take the time to discuss the risks, benefits, and diagnosis so you can make informed decisions about your dental care.
Minor Extractions
While no one likes to hear that they need oral surgery, the removal of teeth is a relatively simple procedure. We’ll manage your discomfort during every stage of the process, and prior to removing the tooth, we’ll evaluate your overall medical condition to ensure you’re healthy enough to have the surgery.
We’ll check the roots of the tooth with our digital x-rays and determine whether more advanced intervention would be necessary. We perform minor extractions in our office, and if we determine your case to be more advanced, we’ll be happy to refer you to a specialist. Major extractions include wisdom teeth and bony impactions.
Let us evaluate your case and determine your needs for oral surgery. No matter what, you’ll always know your oral health is at the forefront, and your comfort is a priority.
Comfort and Care
Any oral surgery we perform is done in the comfort of our office. Our compassionate team works alongside Dr. Fortner to assist and offer support to both the doctor and the patient. Don’t hesitate to talk to us about your concerns; we’re here for you. We will ensure you are comfortable throughout the entire procedure, and provide detailed instructions for aftercare. You’ll understand each step of the procedure, and can feel confident with the care you receive.
If you need to have a tooth removed, or any other minor oral surgery, stick with the dental office you trust. Dr. Glenn Fortner delivers patient-focused care in a friendly office, so you can always relax and know you’re in the best hands.
Questions? Whether before or after your surgery you have questions or concerns, feel free to call our office and we’ll be happy to assist you.